Queens Construction Accident Attorneys Protect Worker’s Rights

Queens Construction Accident Attorneys | Free Consultation NYC

Working on a construction site can be very dangerous, as it involves a lot of tall heights and hazardous tools. That is why it is so important for construction companies and organizations to follow strict protocols. These laws protect the rights and safety of their employees! OSHA, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, outlines these protocols and enforces standards that businesses and companies must follow. However, not everyone plays by the rules. If you have been injured or someone you love has passed away as a result of an OSHA violation, you may be entitled to compensation. Queens construction accident attorneys like those at Shaevitz & Shaevitz will aid you on your journey to justice and provide expert legal advice!

Common OSHA Violations in a Construction Accident

OSHA sets and enforces certain standards to ensure the safety of every employee in America. When a company, organization, or employee does not act within these standards, dangerous accidents can occur.  Common OSHA violations at a construction site include:

  • Queens Construction Accident Attorneys | Free Consultation NYCFall protection: Workers must have adequate fall protection at heights of 6 feet or more. This includes necessities like handrails, railings, wide walkways, and handles. If a construction organization or company fails to provide these protections, it violates an OSHA standard.
  • Unsafe scaffolding: All scaffolding used on a construction site must hold its own weight and more than its intended maximum load. If any part of the scaffolding fails, it could have disastrous consequences. The scaffolding platforms must also be fully planked, have guardrail supports, and have the correct width.
  • Personal protective equipment: PPE, also known as personal protective equipment, is anything a worker needs for safety. This includes but is not limited to helmets, proper tools, effective gear, and fall protection. PPE violations can cause injury or death in any workplace, though, especially on a construction site.
  • Improper ladder maintenance: All ladders must be periodically evaluated and maintained. If a company or organization fails to do so or uses a defective ladder, serious injury or death may occur.

If you have been injured or a loved one has been killed due to an OSHA violation, you deserve justice. The construction accident attorneys at Shaevitz & Shaevitz will represent you in court or settlement negotiations, helping you to secure fair compensation!

How Queens Construction Accident Attorneys Help Your Case

Having an experienced attorney on your side is the key to acquiring justice for any construction accident case. At Shaevitz & Shaevitz, our attorneys have secured over $500 million in verdicts or settlements for clients like you! Contact your premier construction accident attorney in Queens, NY, for quality service, and let us handle your case.

With their legal expertise, our lawyers will evaluate your case and determine your best course of action. They will develop a strategy specific to your needs and provide expert advice. First, they will gather evidence by compiling witness statements, any pictures from the scene of the accident, and the names of anyone involved. They will also make a record of any medical bills as a result of the construction accident, using them to represent you!

In some cases, our attorneys will need to prove the negligence of another party, determining that the accident was partially their fault. In the case of a labor law violation, New York State operates under a no-fault system. If you or a loved one has fallen or been hit with a falling object at a construction site, the owner or contractor is held liable. Worker’s compensation cases work similarly, not requiring negligence to be proven.

Additionally, our construction accident attorneys will speak with the insurance agency on your behalf. Most insurance agents aim to provide the least amount of compensation possible, using the words you say against you. Our experienced staff can negotiate with your insurance company for you, providing maximum compensation!

Filing a Worker’s Compensation Claim

In New York State, most businesses must have worker’s compensation insurance policies in case of a workplace accident. These companies must also post this information in an accessible place. The benefits of a worker’s compensation claim include:

  • Medical coverage: Worker’s compensation covers any medical care you receive due to a workplace injury or illness. This includes doctor visits and hospital stays.
  • Loss of wage: After injury or illness due to a workplace accident, you may be out of work for an extended period. The loss of wage is also covered by worker’s compensation benefits.
  • Disability benefits: If your workplace accident has rendered you disabled, you are entitled to compensation
  • Rehabilitation benefits: If you are in need of rehabilitation due to a workplace accident, you can receive worker’s compensation to cover the costs.
  • Death benefits: In the case where you have lost a loved one due to a fatal accident at their place of work, you and your family members receive death benefits that may cover funeral expenses.

If you work in construction and suffer injury due to a workplace accident or OSHA violation, you deserve fair compensation!

Let Queens Construction Accident Attorneys Protect Your Worker’s Rights!

Construction workers face hazardous tasks, as is the nature of their job, but they still deserve to feel safe at work. As an employee in the United States of America, you have rights to keep you safe, which employers must respect. If you suffer an injury due to a construction accident, trust a Queens construction accident attorney like those at Shaevitz & Shaevitz! Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about how we can serve you.

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