Queens Truck Accident Lawyer Explains Trucking Accident Lawsuits

Queens Truck Accident Lawyer | Shaevitz & Shaevitz | New York City

Queens Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucks are heavy and cause a lot of damage in an accident. The average passenger vehicle in the U.S. weighs about 4,000 pounds. Under U.S. law, a fully loaded semi-truck can weigh 80,000 pounds. This means that a truck has 20 times more energy than a car moving at the same speed. If you or a loved one is injured in an accident involving a truck, the results can be both physically and financially devastating. Medical bills, car repair costs, and more can quickly pile up and bury you underneath a mountain of debt. Your injuries may also prevent you from working or carrying on your normal activities of daily living. When this happens, you need an experienced Queens truck accident lawyer who has the experience and skill to negotiate or litigate against a trucking insurance company to get fair compensation for your injuries and property losses.

A Queens truck accident lawyer can help you recover fair compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When you contact a Queens truck accident lawyer at Shaevitz and Shaevitz, you can trust that we will fight our hardest to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be far more harmful than a typical car accident. Large trucks are extremely heavy, therefore when they collide with other vehicles the damage can be immense. If the accident isn’t fatal, the injuries you incur could be life changing. This is unfortunate, but you don’t have to deal with it on your own. A legal claim can help you recover money from the truck driver and any other negligent party that is legally responsible for the accident.

What Can Queens Truck Accident Lawyers Do?

When you are involved in any auto accident, the first thing you should do is collect evidence such as photos and the contact information of any witnesses. While this may be simple, it isn’t all that needs to be done. When the legal case begins, you will also need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accident was not your fault and that you deserve to be compensated.

A Queens truck accident lawyer can position you to win such a case, especially if they have significant experience working with this type of claim. When you contact Shaevitz and Shaevitz, you can rest assured that we will make our best effort to investigate the accident and determine why it happened and who is at fault.

In addition to preparing and litigating your case, we will also consult with relevant experts to determine what level of compensation you can receive for the accident you were involved in. This is how we make sure that you will get the most money possible if you win your case.

Insurance Companies Don’t Want To Pay You

A Queens truck accident lawyer is needed because the insurance companies will try their hardest to pay you the minimal amount of money possible. This is unfair, so you need to hire an attorney to look out for your best interests. We will hold the insurance companies accountable and make sure that they offer you the most fair settlement possible.

Causes Of Truck Accidents

Regardless of what type of injury you suffered in a recent truck accident, we can help you claim compensation. There are many reasons why a truck driver may have crashed into you or your property, and we will work hard to identify what the cause of the accident was. Our team will consider a range of different factors, including distracted driving, aggressive driving, making unsafe or illegal turns, and tailgating. I’m sure you’ve experienced some or all of these while on the road in the past, but when a large truck is the culprit, the resulting accidents can be fatal.

Schedule A Free Consultation With An Experienced Queens Truck Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one was injured in a truck accident in New York, click here to contact us or call 718-291-3400 or 718-LAW-SUIT for a free consultation to discuss your case. With over 65 years of experience, the Queens truck accident lawyers at Shaevitz & Shaevitz will fight to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries.

Don’t settle for less, schedule a free consultation with our Queens injury attorneys today and find out how much your truck accident case is worth.

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