Attorney Referrals

Shaevitz & Shaevitz accepts case referrals and engages in fee-sharing arrangements with all types of lawyers and law firms in New York. We also engage in joint ventures on cases with attorneys and firms who want to play a more active role in the litigation.

Through these relationships, our objectives are to benefit the client by maximizing their recovery, and play a collaborative role with the lawyers and firms who referred us the case while providing fair and appropriate compensation for their referrals.

We work diligently and take pride in all of our referral and joint-venture relationships. Referral compensation is determined on a case-by-case basis. Some factors considered in determining an appropriate fee-sharing percentage include: the type of injury case, the amount of risk each party is willing to bear, the anticipated costs, the desired level of involvement of the referring attorney or law firm, and the stage of litigation the case is in.

Shaevitz & Shaevitz has always been able to reach a fair fee-sharing arrangement with referring attorneys and law firms. If you would like to work with us, feel free to fill out the contact form below or call as directly at (718) 291-3400 or (718) LAW-SUIT. We look forward to working with you.


    Shaevitz & Shaevitz can assist in cases at any stage of litigation. Fill out the form to get started.

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